

Thursday, September 19, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
XGMF・ODAIBA IX (Industrial Transformation) Core
Workshop on the Integration of Advanced Industrial Technology and Advanced Telecommunications Technology (IX) Vol.2

Kyocera's Industrial Technology and R&D Structure / 5G Business Initiatives

XGMF-ODAIBA IX (Industrial Transformation) Core will hold its second TeleGraphic WorkShop on Thursday, September 19 at the Innovation Square (INNO...

Thursday, August 22, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
XGMF・ODAIBA IX Core Workshop on the Integration of Cutting-edge Industrial Technology and Advanced Telecommunications Technology (IX) Vol.8

Reports from the field of industrial technology and state-of-the-art telecommunications technology

The XGMF Millimeter Wave Promotion Workshop has upgraded its name to XGMF ODAIBA IX Core and will start new activities. In this workshop, we will explain the activity policy of the XGMF/ODAIBA IX Core and discuss...

Local 5G and Quantum Annealing Leads to Live Changeable Factories (Koichiro Fujimoto, NEC Corporation)
-XGMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

This year, speakers from NEC, NTT East, and the University of Tokyo took the stage for discussion. In the first part of this report, we report on the presentation by Koichiro Fujimoto, Technology Evangelist, Senior Business Manager, Digital Network Management Division, NEC....

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF) Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop The Forefront of Japanese Industrial Technology Vol: 7

Experience cutting-edge local 5G at NTTe-City Labo / NTT East

The XGMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop/TeleGraphic WorkShop was held at NTTe-City Labo, a facility operated by NTT East Group at the NTT Central Training Center in Chofu, Tokyo....

Thursday, May 16, 2024, from 3:30 p.m.
XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF) Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop Frontline of Japanese Industrial Technology Vol: 6
How to further update your state-of-the-art plant/Omron, NITTET Solutions."

This "XGMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop: The Forefront of Japanese Industrial Technology Vol. 6" will explore how to further update cutting-edge factories through case studies of Omron, known as the "Factory Department Store," and NITTETSU Solutions, which supports the steel manufacturing industry. The work will explore ways to further update cutting-edge factories...

Energy and Digital Infrastructure Convergence Leads to Solutions to Energy Challenges
Hiroshi Okamoto (Tokyo Electric Power Grid)
-XGMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

The 5th Generation Mobile Promotion Forum (5GMF, now the XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF)) held its fourth workshop on the "Industrial Technology Frontiers in Japan" to promote millimeter wave dissemination in March 2024. The aim was to have a forum to interact with people outside of the broad telecommunications industry, and the 4th...

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop Frontline of Japanese Industrial Technology Vol:5
Quantum annealing and 5G will transform your factory into a live performance / NEC, NTT East, University of Tokyo."

This year's "5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Vol. 4" will focus on the Utility 3.0 (the convergence of energy, digital, and mobility for the realization of a human-centered industrial revolution), which is being rapidly implemented in society by TEPCO Power Grid....

Technology turns towns and cities into hubs for entertainment and art experiences.
-5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

The speakers for the third session were from IMAGICA EEX and Mori Building, with Haruyuki Moroishi, CEO and CCO of IMAGICA EEX, and Takashi Sugiyama of the TOKYO NODE Management Office of Mori Building Co. In the second part of this report, Mr. Sugiyama will talk about "Technology and Ar...

Expanding entertainment horizons by extending and connecting space-time with 5G Haruyuki Moroishi, CEO and CCO, IMAGICA EEX
-5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

The 5th Generation Mobile Promotion Forum (5GMF) held its third workshop on "Japan's Industrial Technology Frontiers" in March 2024 to promote the spread of millimeter wave. The aim was to have a place to interact with people outside of the broad telecommunications industry, and the speakers for the third session were IMAGICA EEX and Mori Bi...

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 12:50 p.m.
5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop Frontiers of Japanese Industrial Technology Vol: 4 "The Human-Centered Industrial Revolution: Fusion of Energy x Digital x Mobility / Tokyo Electric Power Company Power Grid

This year's "5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Vol. 4" will focus on the Utility 3.0 (the convergence of energy, digital, and mobility for the realization of a human-centered industrial revolution), which is being rapidly implemented in society by TEPCO Power Grid....

Creating new video content by utilizing local 5G and real-time rendering technologies" Tetsuya Fukuhara (NHK Enterprises)
-5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

The second speaker was NHK Enterprises in the field of broadcasting and video production. Toshihiro Matsumoto, Managing Director of the company, and Tetsuya Fukuhara, Executive Officer and General Manager of the Innovation Strategy Office, explained the relationship between content production and DX....

Aiming to be a DX that creates new content by fusing real world images with digital technology" Toshihiro Matsumoto (NHK Enterprises, Inc.)
-5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

Taking the stage this time was NHK Enterprises, a company in the broadcasting and video production field. Toshihiro Matsumoto, Managing Director of the company, and Tetsuya Fukuhara, Executive Officer and General Manager of the Innovation Strategy Office, explained the relationship between content production and DX....

Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop Frontline of Japanese Industrial Technology Vol: 3 "Technology in Events Connecting Real and Digital with Art / IMAGICA EEX, Mori Building

The "5GMF Millimeter Wave Promotion Workshop/Japan's Industrial Technology Frontiers Vol: 3" is a workshop that explores how real events and digital (5G) can be updated with millimeter waves (mmWave) with the theme of art and entertainment....

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 from 14:00
5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop Frontline of Japanese Industrial Technology Vol: 2 "Broadcasting and Video Production / NHK Enterprises

In the second session of the 5GMF Millimeter Wave Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontiers, the "Broadcasting and Video Production" industry will be the focus...

Accelerating Millimeter Wave Propulsion with L-shape AiM, a leading Metrosark™ (resin multilayer board) that allows circuit design in any shape" Hideki Ueda (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)
-5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

The 5th Generation Mobile Promotion Forum (5GMF) held the first of its millimeter wave dissemination workshops, "Frontiers of Japanese Industrial Technology," in December 2023. The aim is to have a place to interact with people outside of the broad telecommunications industry, and the first session was held to discuss the unique electronics technology for consumer and medical...

Aiming to contribute to society in the fields of "communications," "mobility," "environment," and "wellness" while focusing on the field - Tomoshi Uozumi (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)
-5GMF Millimeter Wave Dissemination Promotion Workshop / Japan's Industrial Technology Frontline Report

The 5th Generation Mobile Promotion Forum (5GMF) held the first of its millimeter wave dissemination promotion workshops, "Japan's Industrial Technology Frontiers," in December 2023. The aim was to have a place to interact with people outside of the broad telecommunications industry, and the first session was held to discuss the unique electronics technology for consumer and medical...